Throughness is a dressage term that top trainers use to train their horses and ensure they can complete the movements required by the test. Laura Graves, Isabell Werth, and more top trainers tell us t... ...more
January 29, 2025•6 min read
Advice for riders and trainers everywhere - you have to be in charge of yourself and your emotions for rides to go well! Remaining in a neutral emotional state is the only way to help your horse under... ...more
November 10, 2024•2 min read
What is the Bystander Effect? How does it pertain to modern horse sports? The latest USEF scandal with Katie Prudent will surely give us a reason to examine it. Although at the time I found the field ... ...more
training ,effects
January 17, 2024•3 min read
Turn on the Forehand is an invaluable tool for training your horse. It is useful in many situations. It teaches the proper response to the sideways and driving aids! Is your horse ready to learn it? Y... ...more
January 13, 2024•5 min read
What are the effects of primacy and recency, and where do they present in training? Riders and horses are subject to these effects, so how do we leverage them to improve our skills? ...more
training ,effects
January 08, 2024•3 min read